no dig drain repairs using cipp drain lining

Drain Lining Saves You Money With Less Hassle

The 2013-2014 winter was terrible on drain pipes, sewers, and plumbing systems in general. The deep freezes and frequent thaws made caused a lot of water damage from freezing, only to have them thaw and get water elsewhere, where it also froze, expanded, and ruined the pipes. Now all the rain is making your home’s plumbing system work that much harder. The result is damaged drain and sewer lines.

flooded street in toronto

Backwater Valve Maintenance is Important For Toronto Homeowners

Summer is officially upon us here in Toronto and that means many homeowners are thinking about their basements. Some homeowners are thinking about preventative measures when it comes to basement flooding (and luckily there are some ways you can save money performing these home upgrades), others are looking at renovating their basements. Basements are great spaces in your home, especially in the summer heat, and they need to be maintained and protected like any other part of your home – of particular importance in Toronto is backwater valve maintenance.