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Etobicoke is an amazing place to live. We don’t have the prices of Toronto homes and still live in a strong community with great opportunities. But while Etobicoke may be unique in many positive ways, we’re also discovering we have some unique challenges as well. Chief among these for individual home owners is basement flooding.

With the recent weather we’ve been having, many people are worried that their homes are next for a flood, which can end up costing thousands in repairs and water damage. But many others think they’re immune to basement flooding. So, is basement flooding a problem in Etobicoke, and should individual home owners be concerned?

Etobicoke Has A Known Flooding Problem

The fact is Etobicoke is extremely susceptible to flooding. Our unique location and, if we’re being frank, outdated drainage systems are causing problems for people around the entire city. While there are plenty of houses available, the older homes in Etobicoke seem to have unusually high instances of flooding. This may be because Lake Ontario has dramatically shifted the water table since these homes were born, it may be because homes have been poorly maintained, but whatever the reason, we are seeing high levels of basement flooding in Etobicoke homes.

The good news is that basement flooding is completely preventable, and can actually cost a lot less than you’d expect.

Get Your Property Assessed

There are many professional Etobicoke plumbers that provide professional basement waterproofing experts and who can easily assess your home for any potential problems. It’s a much better and cheaper way to figure out how your home can be waterproofed. After all, if you wait for the spring thaw or next severe thunderstorm to see if your home is waterproof, you’ll end up paying for water damages on top of any repairs and extra measures you need to put in place.

Waterproofing Your Basement Is Very Important

Basement waterproofing in Toronto is available from a wide number of experts who are able to provide an inspection, they’ll check for the usual culprits in basement flooding: broken window seals, landscaping issues, foundation problems, and more. These are just the beginning, but they can assess if you need any work done, and the best way to go about getting it done, so you don’t have any surprises. Some of these can be fairly expensive, but taking care of the issue before it gets worse is always the less expensive option compared to waiting and hoping for the best.

You May Quality For Waterproofing Rebates

But if basement flooding is a concern concern but you’re low on funds, remember that the City of Toronto has a program in place to assist citizens who need backwater valves, sump pumps, and other items that can help prevent basement flooding. You’ll need to use a professional and fill out some paperwork, but the entire thing can end up being free in the end. The program is called the Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program, and it could protect your home from basement flooding without breaking the bank.

The unfortunate truth is that Etobicoke homes are experiencing a lot of basement flooding, and that can cause thousands of dollars in damage. But the good news is most basement floods are completely preventable. With a professional plumbing or basement waterproofing expert, you can save money by getting problems fixed and addressed today. So when that next rainstorm hits, you can rest easy knowing your home will be bone dry.

Andrew Olexiuk - Your Toronto Plumbing Expert
Andrew Olexiuk - Your Toronto Plumbing Expert
Andrew has over 20 years of experience as a plumbing contractor. He is co-owner and operator of Absolute Draining & Plumbing, a professional plumbing company serving residential & commercial properties across the Toronto, Ontario region.
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